Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tunisian Hitchhikers

I have done my fair share of hitchhiking in Africa. Tunisia is giving me the chance to return the favor. I gave rides to about 15 Tunisians during my 4-day tour of the north. Mostly, it was old men or shepherds going back to their villages, though I gave lifts to some students come back from school as well. Some rides were only a few kilometers. Everybody was thrilled when I stopped to pick them up. Every single person was kind and very grateful. We chatted as best we could in French or with hand gestures if they only spoke Arabic. One old woman even came aboard, though only with the help of an old man who also wanted a ride.

What I recall most about many of the rides was the smells. Shepherds, wearing their big thick cloaks smelled like farms -- not in a bad way, just rich and earthy. Lots of the old men smelled like tea or cigarettes or both. Some actually smelled minty!

Roadtrips are always fun, but it can be a bit lonely sitting enclosed in a car and watching the world go by. Thanks for keeping me company, everybody.

Oh, and FYI: In Tunisia, hitchhikers stand by the side of the road and raise their index finger, almost like they are asking for the check from a waiter, when they want a ride.

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