Thursday, November 26, 2009

Haunted Mountain

Behold, the menacing Kaf Ajnoun, 25 kilometers north of Ghat in southwestern Libya.

OK, it looks pretty much like a regular 4000-foot mountain, but look a bit closer and you have to agree that it's pretty symmetrical, and it does resemble a fort.  The Tuareg, a tribe that has lived in this part of the Sahara for ages and ages, apparently believe it is haunted, and give the mountain a wide berth.

As you get right up to the mountain, two things are noteworthy.  First, it looks completely different; the fort-like aspect is gone, and there are just jutting rocks in all direction.  Second -- and this made the trip worth it for me -- was the scenery just to the west of Kaf Ajnoun.  Have a look for yourself.

A nice circus-peanut dune chain nestled in an otherwise black and barren landscape.  Pretty nice.  One more shot, this time with the road.

That spot on the far right, where the orange and black mingle, was especially cool.

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