Thursday, July 16, 2009


Kamina is a college town. I toured two universities the other day. They looked just like the schools I attended back in the United States -- for grammar school. This photo captures about a third of the total space occupied by both the main state university and a local high school.

The structure itself is fine. There are desks, chalkboards, ceilings and walls. There aren't enough classrooms, so the students from many different classes took their final exams in the same rooms on the day I visited.

The "lab" is basically just another classroom. The main difference between it and all the other rooms was the big hole apparently punched through the blackboard. I saw no equipment of any kind.

The most memorable part of the tour was the library. It had three rows of books, each maybe 8 meters wide. Glancing at the books, it was obvious that many were very old. The library was half the size of the library I remember from third grade.

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