Friday, August 2, 2019


I'm not sure if Bison are the same as buffalo.  But whatever they were, they were magnificent.  There were herds of them scattered throughout the park, with occasional stragglers closer to the road.  

They caused enormous traffic jams, which were probably well worth it for the people who had to wait for them to cross the road.

This guy sat maybe 50 yards from me, just taking it easy.  He was standing at first before he settled in, and even at that distance, I couldn't believe how enormous he was.

Most of my buffalo (bison?) shots are of little brown dots inside a treeline.  Unless you luck out, I suspect that's the standard viewing experience.  But even if you only get to see them from far off, you can't help but walk away with a sense of awe -- and a sense that these buffalo/bison are living some pretty enjoyable and low-stress lives.  

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