Sunday, September 1, 2019

Cape Disappointment

I went with high hopes and great expectations, expecting majesty and extreme transcendent beauty, but Washington's Cape Disappointment was a huge bust. 

The drive to it was lovely.  I got views like this before some giant and scary bridges. 

Then I got what might be my favorite stretch of road on the whole trip at that point, through some beautiful wetlands with wonderful speed limits and gentle curves.  The scenery was roughly this:

And I ended up near a town called South Bend where the coffee shops look like this. 

Then it was on to Olympia, where I thought I happened upon a food festival but really it was just a big food bank in downtown.  

Then to Bellingham, a marvelous college town that seems like a great place to live.  

And then, finally, I attacked Canada's southern flank.  Good thing I have never been convicted of a crime.  The border agent was thorough and humorless, and also deeply unimpressed with my notion of biking to Alaska in September.  

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