Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Vista Points in Canada

In the US, there are tons of signs announcing various attractions and vistas.  They're followed by spots where passers by can pull over and take in the view.  The Canadian highway system seems pretty light on those.

For a while I wondered why, but I think I have an idea now.  Canada is so full of jaw-dropping scenery that if you miss a stunning view, you can just keep driving for 10 minutes and you'll probably see something even more spectacular.

That red lodge in the distance is quite enormous.  The road winds over to it, then past it, revealing more amazing BC scenery along the way.  Pretty wild.

Notice the trees in these photos.  They, like the lodge, are quite giant.  Yet they stretch up mountains and into the distance in every direction.  It's hard to fathom the sheer immensity of the landscapes up here. 

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