Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tombstone Provincial Park

Located right along the Dempster Highway, Tombstone's a trip through very different landscapes.  According to the brochure, you get boreal, alpine, and Arctic environments all within a compact park.  

You start with rivers, valleys, forests and some rock formations.  

Then you extend towards a more mountainous region in the middle of the park.  

 And eventually into the north end of the park, where a slender arm of Canada's Arctic creeps in. 

That last shot may not look like much to you, but in person the top half of the slope looked almost green and blue and purple, while the lower portion was a sea of reds and oranges and yellows.  It was a subtle trip across the color spectrum in one long slope.  

Driving to the north end of the park, you could feel the wind pick up and the temperature drop.  On an extremely nice day (for up there), it still felt inhospitable and very remote. 

The bike and I fell once at low speeds, had a brush with disaster at higher speeds, and almost turned around on a few occasions.  But we crossed the continental divide and made it to the top of the park, where a nice German couple took our photo. 

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