Sunday, September 8, 2019

Yukon Landscapes

There is a story and a memory behind each of these shots, but my overall impression today was of seeing a tremendous actor in the dressing room before a big performance.  I think the Yukon is accustomed to being on display in concert with ferocious weather.  Today I got her at 72 and sunny, but she still flashed some star power.

That's not to diminish what I saw.  It's just to say I know it wasn't the full stage production.

This whole trip has been trees on trees on trees, but I can't begin to explain how the treeline extends to infinity in the Yukon.  Just look at the photo above, size up one of the trees in the foreground, and try to fathom what's happening midway up those mountains.  It's stunning.

Not pictured in this gallery:  The extraordinary people I've met up here.  To a person, they've been reticent at first, then forthcoming and helpful.  They reward a beat of silence and a little persistence.  They're not going out of their way to impress you, but they're kind, thoughtful, and willing to pull up a chair and spend time with you if you give them a chance.  And the stories they tell, of this land and their experiences on it, are gold.  The Yukoners are something special.

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